latin american princesa {LAP}

Posts Tagged ‘SUV

Source: Washington Post


The grain required to fill a 25-gallon sport-utility vehicle tank with ethanol could feed one person for a year, the World Bank said.

Just think about this. I mean really think. I just can’t even begin to describe how mind boggling it is. How many times a week does a person with the average commute in such a vehicle fill up every week??? And yet human beings die every day from hunger and malnutrition.

A blog by a latina social scientist and activist

Equal rights was the first step. Now it's time to change the standards by which we are judged. It's time to create new standards that value our differences rather than degrading and stereotyping them.

We define ourselves in dialogue with the Other. So dialogue already!

A latina humanist point of view

This is a space and place for exploring the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity and class.

eMAGINEITALL communications