latin american princesa {LAP}

Archive for the ‘violence’ Category

All I can say is “sigh!!!!”

3 Detectives Acquitted in Bell Shooting

Be warned, the following documentary is painful to watch and depressing. We think things are getting better in the world. I mean there has been progress in poverty reduction and minority rights. Every day wonderful people are out there fighting for a better world. But I don’t want this video to serve as discouragement. Rather it should serve as a warning that we can’t let down our guard.

Do we really want people to suffer so we can eat chocolate? Is it worth such a price? Can we allow international organizations to let their employees get away with abuse of domestic workers on our own soil? Diplomacy and cultural relativism aside-I know I argue a lot about understanding the context BUT-enslaving another human just isn’t justifiable. PERIOD.

This event has been launched and promoted through Facebook. If you read Spanish see the event’s site: Un MILLION de VOCES contra las FARC. Or read Plan Colombia’s commentary in English, which includes the translation of an article from Colombia’s El Tiempo about the importance of dialogue and minimizing highly-charged nationalistic ideology. The goal is peace, after all.

Just when I was thinking I was headed toward an actual decision and would focus on technology and society for my future, I get double reminders about why immigration needs my attention.

Latina Viva posted a touching story about an illegal immigrant who saved the life of a young American boy and was immediately deported. The other night I found a great channel on youtube, an interactive documentary on the Prince Williams County, VA immigration debate.

Heartbreaking! And no I’m not just a bleeding heart liberal. I do know from experience what it feels like to feel unwanted, unwelcome, no matter how hard you try. “It’s a tough world”, people say. “Toughen up and don’t take everything so personal.” I’m tough when I need to be. But why should I be tough all the time? Why should anyone?

“Toughen up” is what people did in WWII as the Jews were dragged away. That’s what people do as Palestinians and Iraqis die everyday. That’s why Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur can happen despite all “our progress”.

victims of Nazi Concentration Camp Between the pews - Ntarama One of 550 exhumated mass graves with Bosniak victims near Srebrenica

“Toughen up” indeed. Seems a little less tough and a little more empathy is in order. Tough hasn’t worked in No Child Left Behind, Iraq, the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, the prison system…should I go on? I’m no peace-and-love-hippy kinda girl, but certainly empathy, understanding and respect will bring us further than tough.

From Al Jazeera:

US couple convicted of ‘slavery’

[The victims] said that for years they were subjected to beatings with rolling pins and brooms, scalding with hot water and being forced to eat their own vomit and chilli peppers for “offences” such as sleeping late or eating food from the rubbish.

I want to throw up.

People like to complain about the poor and how ghetto they are, but problems exist at EVERY level of society. Some want to blame the poor or immigrants for all our problems. Let’s stop blaming and blaming and start coming up with real and viable solutions.

I just finished Cora Daniel’s Ghetto Nation. It is an absolute MUST read. She’s funny and insightful and doesn’t preach. This book presents a real person’s views, with real ideas.

Ah! Welcome home to me, to the land of the free…to be arrested, Tasered or better yet have one’s leg broken by police. No thankfully it hasn’t happened to me personally, but a friend just shared a few interesting tidbits, which haven’t all made it to the front page.

I like to try to think that most cops are nice people. They are humans too and sometimes mistakes are made. But Tasering someone for asking a question or breaking someone’s ankle for attending a public hearing are not mistakes. What is this mentally that drives some to such terror tactics? Isn’t it supposed to be a War on Terror, not a war on freedom of speech and democracy? Let’s start calling it for what it is a War of Terror on freedom, democracy and individual rights. Don’t let the lies continue.

See the full article on Wendi’s blog: To Those of You Who Say Racism Doesn’t Exist….

September 11, 2007
6 arrested, charged in woman’s weeklong torture
Authorities believe racism played role in ordeal

According to the complaints, she was forced to eat dog and rat feces and to lick up blood. She was made to lick parts of Brewster’s body, under the threat of death. Her hair was pulled out. She was made to drink from the toilet. She was sexually assaulted while hot water was poured on her body, and while a man held a knife to her.

It’s scary and sad that so many people out there are still so cruel.


A blog by a latina social scientist and activist

Equal rights was the first step. Now it's time to change the standards by which we are judged. It's time to create new standards that value our differences rather than degrading and stereotyping them.

We define ourselves in dialogue with the Other. So dialogue already!

A latina humanist point of view

This is a space and place for exploring the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity and class.

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